
Welcome to my blog the great world of my inner thoughts. I know I may think the weirdest of thoughts to blog about but I have an excuse. My family is just crazy and therefore I take it with pride to say I'm the normal one sometimes. And this isn't exactly the good kind of crazy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Puzzle of life

Sometimes I wander about life,the happenings that happen.Do we start and end with a purpose? Does our fate, our path in life,our purpose,happen over time slowly coming to us.I believe that some people don't have a purpose.Walking through life notknowing what to follow. These people end up as suicides, rapists and other people of crime.Then I wander if I'm one of them.Will I fall into the catagory of people who have no pupose in life.Also do people have to die for others to be born? Was I someone else that was sacraficed to have me live of am I a souless and lost in this world without one? Plus who takes care of us on our track of life? Sorry to those christians out there but I don't believe in god or the devil, hell or heaven. I want to know the answers to these questions I have people ask me and I ask myself. I want to know my path in life before I pursue it. If god does exsist then why is life a living hell for his followers. The least he could do is take care of his people.If the devil exsists then where in the blazes is he! If we only KNEW of one of them would we make up the other and follow it or would we only know of that one and follow it forever?Would we know what was or what could have been? Life is worthless to me a waste of time,for the thoughts I tink the dreams I dream could be lost,forgotten,they are nothing if I am going to die in the end with no real picture of of why I lived.I say life is not a road that we follow as most people say life is an immposible puzzle we try to solve over and over again. Yet when we get close to getting that first piece in place we die and forget the place of that one piece of the puzzle. I say only certain people ever get that puzzle piece in place.Why do we die so soon? why can't we get at least one piece into place. Why not be immortals and live till we solve the puzzle because then there would not be any lost souls trying to figure out what they did wrong.If we figure out the puzzle we could live eternally happy and glide right through life with tons of happiness.But no the puzzle never gets finished.Why do we keep trying over and over again. Just for this one puzzle that keeps puzzling us.I believe that the immposible puzzle will never be solved. I believe that the universe doesn't want us to figure it out. Yet we keep fighting for the answers day in and day out. We make answers to our questions to make the universe seem simpler. Less complex,yet it is very complex and will always keep humans guessing. We always ask why do these things happen? What is going to become of our beloved planet. People always say that it'll get better yet everyday it gets worse.Why do people die? To have others born to swoop in to kill us all slowly killing our planet.That immposible puzzle will never be solved in time to save our planet. The Earth will eventually as does every other planet out there in the universe that holds or held life. Many quetions left unanswered,many things we will not know,many puzzle pieces that will neer get put in place. So I ask why do we live in life?Whats our point in life? How long will it go on like this? A never ending line of planets with people trying to solve this immposible puzzles of life!..!..! I say that this may go on forever but we the people will never know and we the people will never change our way of thinking.We will always try to solvethe the puzzle fllowing th clues to find the answer. Using science to explain everything. Neve trying anything new. Just trying to solve a puzzle that was neve meant to be solved.

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