
Welcome to my blog the great world of my inner thoughts. I know I may think the weirdest of thoughts to blog about but I have an excuse. My family is just crazy and therefore I take it with pride to say I'm the normal one sometimes. And this isn't exactly the good kind of crazy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Music is all around us no matter where we go or what we do. It influences us everyday to make our day a little bit more us. Music can change moods in ways we don't compleatly understand.We can become almost addicted and want to listen to our favorite songs over and over. Think of how you feel when you listening to music, it may make you feel free or happy. You might even be able to relate to the song and know what the singer feels. There is always a type of music for everyone, always a style that fits you always some beat that makes you want to dance and sing along. I definitly know that feeling. I use the song for inspiration. Yet I seem to think what is it about these songs that makes us feel this way? Why do we sometimes perfer one over another? I've really thought about these questions going around in my head and I've decided that I want answers.I want to know why we have to have so many kinds of songs and beats to get tangled up in.I say that music is rising to the top of one of the most popular things to make us happy, sad angry, and so on. Music can greatly change our moods to surprise us beyond our thinking. In music they expect us to be ignorant of other ppl and free in our mind, in a state of pure joy, they expect what was and alway will be our way of reacting to music.